GCN Calendar

Thursday, 22 August 2013

GMS Magazine has a Salute Video which includes a piece on the GCN.

While at Salute in April I was approached on the GCN stand to do an interview for GMS Magazine, I had completely forgotten all about it until looking at the new video's they had uploaded about UK Games Expo, so I have included a link to their web site, and to the page with the Salute video.

Go and have a look, its an interesting look at Salute from an outsiders point of view.


GMS Magazine,
G*M*S Magazine in their words:

'Is here to bring you news and articles on your favourite games and game miscellanea'.
First impressions count a lot in everything, and the way we do our reviews is by reading the book, or playing the game for the first time and letting you know what we think about it. That way you’ll know exactly what to expect when you open the game and play it at home.

G*M*S Magazine is made by the people who read it. We don’t have staff, we don’t have employees or employers and we don’t have a company telling us what we can publish or not.

We would like to become the number one source of gaming information and to do that we need your help. Register and start posting away. The magazine is pretty much unmoderated, so as long as you’re polite and respectful, your articles will be published.

Do you have news to tell us?
Contact us and send us an email to submissions@gmsmagazine.com
Items we’re looking for are:
Are you a publisher, an indie developer, a writer? Have you created a product you want to tell the world about? This is your place. Let us know what you have done and we will tell the rest of the world for you!
Did you like it? Was it a waste of money? Let others know.
Do you know anything you think everyone else should know? Don’t let it remain unknown. We will tell people for you!
Subjects we want to cover are:
Role Playing Games, Board Games, Wargames, CCG’s of any kind.
Also books related to, or based on, any of the above categories.
Remember this magazine is for you, and it needs you to be the best it can be.


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